Note - Ebay is your friend, and I warn you now that this is not a cheap costume by any stretch of the imagination to put together. But then, I am a costumer and wanted something accurate. You could probably get something that works on a cheaper budget, but you will find that most stargate fans who are inclined to costume are going to spend a lot of money on getting their costume correct.

Ebay. I found this seller that has a massive range of Olive Drab military garments and accessories. From all my research there are plenty of options for headwear so you really should be able to find something that suits you. I chose to go for the military cap (very similar to a movie cap that I already own and love) and I am particularly happy with it. My brother wanted a Boonie hat, and they are worn in the show - particularly by Daniel Jackson. While I was at it, I ordered two bandanas as well, mainly because they were only a couple of dollars extra and it means that I have a bit more versatility with my uniform. More options so to speak. I did notice that the seller also had the tactical helmets. They are a replica costume prop so they aren't going to stop a bullet, but really is that what you want in your costume? I was very tempted but though that they postage was a little bit much to get it to Australia. But by all means, if you live in the US, I think that this would be a great option.
This came from the same seller that I bought the headwear from (link is above). I ordered two but I underestimated the size, so my brother will just have to wear another belt. Big bonus though, they only set me back $4.95 each and they are exactly what I wanted. Now I just have to hope that they pants I have ordered have the correct size belt loops. If not, I am going to be seriously annoyed.
All in all, I am pleased with my purchases so far, and I have had a couple of shipping notifications, so now it is just a matter of waiting.
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