I almost forgot to post these. As those who celebrate it know, last weekend was Mother's Day. We don't really do much in my house, other than a nice breakfast of mum's choice and dinner. (We had pancakes). I always give her a card and a little something else. This year, I chose to get her bustle foundation made. It is made from the Truly Victorian pattern for the early bustle. I was pleasantly surprised at how quickly it took to put together (one I had thread). It is basically just making a skirt with a few rows of bias tape sewn on and some ruffles. The ruffles themselves are completely optional but I chose to put them on so that I would not need to make another petticoat that goes over the top. The ruffles on their own are enough to hide the ridges of the boning. As for the boning, I just grabbed out my roll of plastic tubing (from bunnings) and thread it on through. If in the future the bustle looks like it might sag, I will then replace them with something a little stronger but at this stage, it seems to be working well.

And now mum's undergarments are completely ready for me to make up her gown. While I had her in her undergarments on the weekend (because of course she wanted to try them on) I took all her measurements, so that now I just need to draw up the patterns and get cracking. I do still need to buy the lace trimmings though. And of course the medieval costumes come first.
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